BCS Oxfordshire Branch December 2006

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December 2006

Dear %Field:Title% %LastName%,

Best wishes from BCS Oxfordshire Branch for a happy festive season.
We do hope you will be able to join us for our 2006 Christmas lecture, followed by mince pies and mulled wine at the Lamb and Flag. No need to register - just turn up on the night.

next 7 December - Branch Christmas Lecture 2006. The Machine That Enjoys Christmas: Whither Machine Consciousness?download Christmas lecture poster

We are delighted to welcome Professor Igor Aleksander, to give our Christmas lecture. He is a compelling speaker, Emeritus Professor of Neural Systems Engineering at Imperial College, frequently interviewed on radio and television.
He will demonstrate his work on visual consciousness, based on brain modelling, which includes a consideration of emotions - so the machine might indeed enjoy Christmas!

Click on the image for a copy of the pdfposter.
Please check the branch website for the latest on parking.


events 18 January: Viruses and Malware, How many more threats are there?

The branch programme for 2007 kicks off with a talk from Stuart Taylor, manager of SophosLabs UK.
Stuart has been at the forefront of the fight against an ever increasing range of threats - approximately 5,000 new threats are seen every month - which has necessitated growing SophosLabs from a few people in the UK to a 24 x 7 operation over 3 continents.


extra A to Z of computer security threatsT is for Trojan

Want a copy? Thanks to Sophos, one of our 2007 Web Competition sponsors, we have copies to give away.
While supplies last, each Oxfordshire school that fills in the no-obligation sign-up form for the web competition will receive a free copy of this attractive and useful booklet.


industry UK IT Association Oxford launch event

The launch of the Oxford branch of UKita will be on Monday 4th December from 18:00 at Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, when the theme of the meeting will be collaboration.
BCS members would be most welcome to come to this free event.


info About this newsletter

Want to know more about this newsletter? There's an article on the branch wiki.

Would you like a text-only option?
If so, reply to this email and let us know. If there's a demand, we'll start up a list of text-only subscribers, early in the New Year.


Adrian Walmsley
Webmaster and email co-ordinator
BCS Oxfordshire Branch

Coming Events etc

* 4 December: UK IT Association Oxford launch event

* 7 December: BCS Oxfordshire Branch Christmas Lecture 2006. The Machine That Enjoys Christmas: Whither Machine Consciousness?

* 18 January: BCS Oxfordshire: Viruses and Malware

* Full Branch Programme

* Web Competition Press Release

* BCS Events Calendar

Branch meetings are open to BCS members and non-members

We'd love to hear your comments, views and opinions on this newsletter and on the branch programme. Please use the feedback form on the branch website.

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