BCS Oxfordshire Branch October 2008

If you would prefer to read this email, or previous issues, online, the newsletter archive is at: www.oxon.bcs.org/eBCSOxon.php
October 2008

Dear branch member,

In this issue: details about two very interesting branch meetings in October and November, and a special careers evening in the Oxford Castle on 19 November. We do hope you'll be able to come along.

Our full meeting programme for 2008/9 is on the branch website.

As usual, in late August we posted details to BCS members of the branch who live in the UK or mainland Europe. If you missed it, there's a pointer to a downloadable copy on our branch downloads page.

Thursday 9 October: Amazon Web Services: Cloud Computing in Action

We are delighted to welcome back Jeff Barr as our October speaker. Jeff is Amazon's Lead Web Services Evangelist and was on the expert panel at our What's Hot event in March.

Jeff will tell us about the new and expanding line of Amazon Web Services, such as the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service (S3), and the SimpleDB.


Thursday 13 November: Serious Games

The full title of our November talk is Imagining an immersive future: the role of serious games and virtual worlds in everyday lives.

Dr Sara de Freitas, Director of Research at the Serious Games Institute at the University of Coventry, will explore how electronic games technologies and methodologies are being used for purposes other than entertainment. These include: e-learning, simulation, team building, collaboration and opinion shaping.


Wednesday 19 November: BCS Careers Unlocked

Careers Event poster Whether just starting a career in IT or growing within your current role, you're invited to join us for wine and nibbles at the unique Oxford Castle. Tour the Castle and its Tower, take our BCS and Castle quiz, and find out what the BCS can do for you.

Peter Leavy from the BCS will be present to answer questions about CITP, ISEB and SFIAplus. He will also be taking part in a debate on topics that you will decide on the night.


BCS Oxfordshire Schools Web Competition 2009

BCS Oxfordshire Schools Web Competition 2009 logoWe are just getting ready for the official launch of the BCS Oxfordshire Schools Web Competition for 2009.

If you have have connections with a school in Oxfordshire, as a parent, teacher, governor or in some other capacity, ask them to make sure they watch out for the mailshot about the competition which should go to heads of ICT later this month. More details will be available on launch date at www.oxon.bcs.org/webcomp.


Specialist Groups

Did you know that BCS members can join up to five BCS Specialist Groups online?

Just sign on to the Members' secure area, and click on "Specialist Groups" in the box headed "Manage your membership". You should then be able to join several Specialist Groups.


Tech Stuff

The ninth Oxford Geek Night is on 22 October.


BCS email management online

BCS members can manage all their BCS email subscriptions online by logging on at https://wam.bcs.org/wam/lsm.aspx.


About this newsletter

Want to know more about this newsletter? There's an article on the branch wiki.

You can now subscribe to the text-only version of this newsletter. The BCS online interface doesn't support this option - see below for how to request it.


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Adrian Walmsley
Webmaster and email co-ordinator
BCS Oxfordshire Branch

Coming Events etc

Oxfordshire Branch meetings are open to BCS members and non-members. Unless otherwise stated, there is no charge and you don't have to book.

For other events, check the links.

2 October: Oxford Internet Institute: You've Got Mail: Meeting, Dating, Marriage and the Internet (Public Symposium)

9 October: BCS Oxfordshire: Amazon Web Services: Cloud Computing in Action

13 October: Oxford Internet Institute: The Virtual World Exploratorium Project

20 October: Oxford Internet Institute: Making Sense of YouTube

22 October: Oxford Geek Night #9 at the Jericho Tavern

23 October: BCS Computer Journal Lecture: The computation of emotions in man and machines

30 October: Oxford Internet Institute: Addressing Your Email Productivity Paradox

6 November: BCS AGM

13 November: BCS Oxfordshire: Serious Games

19 November: BCS Oxfordshire: BCS Careers Unlocked

4 December: BCS Oxfordshire Christmas Lecture: The Spy in the Coffee Machine

Full Branch Programme

Science Oxford events

BCS Events Calendar

We'd love to hear your comments, views and opinions on this newsletter and on the branch programme. Please use the feedback form on the branch website.

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