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eBCS Oxfordshire November 2009
In this month's newsletter, cryptography and data security, coming events in the Oxfordshire area, being a geek in Oxford and lots more.
Innovative ICT in Oxfordshire

BCS Oxfordshire Branch and Science Oxford
Joint Meeting
November 12, 2009 at 7 for 7.30

Science Oxford

Oxfordshire is home to a great number of innovative ICT entrepreneurs. We will hear from four different ICT businesses about their novel application of advanced technology and how they are taking it to market. The solutions presented cover computational methods for drug discovery, presentation of spatial information by local authorities, solving really tough computational problems and advanced database security. 

This event is run in collaboration with the Science Oxford Networks 4 ICT programme (www.scienceoxfordnetworks.com)

Venue: Oxford e-Research Centre, 8 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG. 

BCS Oxfordshire Rebranding - Part II

BCS Rebranding

BCS TransformationAs you are no doubt aware, BCS has gone through a rebranding exercise as part of its ongoing transformation and, as a result, the BCS Oxfordshire website and email newsletter are also getting a fresh coat of paint.

This newsletter was upgraded last month and we are now proud to announce that the website has also received a facelift. As always, we are open to comments on what you think of the changes.

BCS Oxfordshire Christmas Lecture

Cryptography: From Black Art to Popular Science
Speaker: Professor Fred Piper, Royal Holloway, University of London

Thursday 3rd December 2009 – 7:00pm

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Fred Piper of the University of London will be presenting our Christmas Lecture.

Professor Fred Piper gave the BCS Turing lecture in 2004 and is recognised worldwide as an authority on the subject of Cryptography and IT Security. He is a popular author on the subject and currently has a number of books in print. We are promised that the talk will contain something for the whole audience from subject matter experts through to non-technical but IT-literate users.

The evening is free. Members and non-members are very welcome.

Venue: Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square , Oxford OX1 2JA
Mulled Wine & Mince Pies will be served from 7:00pm

Security: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

November 7th, Bletchley Park

On November 7th 2009, the ACCU will be holding a one day conference at Bletchley Park, home of the legendary World War II ‘Enigma’ code breakers, and the site at which the world’s first digital computer went operational.

Bletchley Park

The Conference will be held in the elegant Victorian Bletchley Park Mansion, at the centre of Bletchley Park itself, allowing conference attendees the opportunity to visit the exhibits on show at the National Museum of Computing and the rest of Bletchley Park.

Enigma LogoBletchley Park is home to a number of unique artifacts, including the Colossus, the Bombe (including the mock-up that featured in the film 'Enigma'), original Enigma machines, and a Lorenz coding machine. The Bletchley Park web site is at http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/. The National Museum of Computing web site is at http://www.tnmoc.org/

The conference is organised by the ACCU. The ACCU is an organisation of programmers who care about professionalism in programming and are dedicated to raising the standard of programming. The proceeds of the conference will go to the Bletchley Park Trust to help with the upkeep of Bletchley Park. Conference rates are £85 ACCU members/ £95 non-ACCU members. The ACCU web site is at http://www.accu.org/.

For further information contact:
Astrid Byro astrid.byro@googlemail.com , or
Alan Lenton alanlenton@gmail.com

For tickets:  http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/

Items of Interest

Branch Meeting Programme
Our full meeting programme for 2009/10 is on the branch website. If you want a PDF for printing, that is also available. We are working on restoring the ability to automatically add events to your calendar through links on the website.

Specialist Groups
Did you know that BCS members can join up to five BCS Specialist Groups online? Just sign on to the Members' secure area, and click on "Specialist Groups" in the box headed "Manage your membership". You should then be able to join several Specialist Groups.

Oxford Geek Nights
Oxford Geek Nights offer a chance for web developers and designers in the local area to get together, share their skills and talk about new ideas, techniques and technologies. To learn more please visit their website.

BCS Overseas
Did you know that you do not have to live in the UK to attend a BCS lecture or meeting? For example, the US chapter of BCS is going from strength to strength. If you know if any ex-pat BCS members, be sure to let them know.

About this Newsletter

Want to know more about this newsletter? There's an article on the branch wiki.

We'd love to hear your comments, views and opinions on this newsletter and on the branch programme. Please use the feedback form on the branch website.
BCS Recruit
Oxfordshire Branch meetings are open to BCS members and non-members. Unless otherwise stated, there is no charge and you don't have to book.

For other events, check the links.

7 November 2009
ACCU Security Conference at Bletchley Park

12 November 2009
Innovative ICT in Oxfordshire

17 November 2009
BCS Berkshire Branch - IT Efficiency Service Management in Theory and Practice (ITIL® Course)

25 November 2009
Oxford Geek Night - Linked data on data.gov.uk

25 November 2009
4ICT – Growing up in Oxfordshire
John Boyle (co-founder of Oxford Computer Consultants) and Kevin Gell (founder of Tessella) will share their experiences of growing ICT businesses in Oxfordshire.

3 December 2009
Christmas Lecture
Cryptography: From Black Art to Popular Science

3 January 2010
Is IT a Profession?

18 February 2010
An Introduction to Geospatial Systems

11 March 2010
Testing Software Quality

29 April 2010
Visit to UKAEA Fusion & JET

20 May 2010
Sciences in Oxford's History - An Afternoon Guided Walking Tour

bullet Oxford Internet Institute events
bullet OeRC events
bullet Science Oxford
bullet BCS Events Calendar

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