Chris Yapp, Technology Futurist
Thursday 2nd December 2010 – 7:30pm
Venue: Rewley House,Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA
A special Christmas event taking a look at what the future holds in store. Chris will discuss the future implications of significant technology issues, such as cloud computing, and evaluate the hype versus reality of some past developments.
About Chris
Chris is a technology and policy futurologist who has been in the IT industry since 1980. His roles have
spanned Honeywell, ICL, HP, Microsoft and Capgemini UK.
He has worked extensively across the public sector, in Local Government, Education, Health and
Creative Industries. Chris’s interests lie in scenario planning, futurology and the strategic and
management implications of ICTs. He has edited and contributed to a number of books, most recently
on the "Personalization of Learning in the 21st century". He is an Associate of the Think Tank DEMOS. He
is a Fellow of both the RSA and the BCS and author of the BCS Future Tech Blog.
He is a Patron of NACE and a Trustee of World e‐citizens.. He is a member of the Information Society
Panel of UNESCO UK. He is a member of the BERR Industry forum for the Communications and Content
Chris holds a MA (Oxon) and an honorary D.Tech from Glasgow Caledonian.
The event is free and both members and non-members are very welcome. Reservations are not required.
Mince Pies, Mulled Wine and Sandwiches will be served from 7:00pm. The lecture starts at 7:30pm.
Posters to advertise this event at your place of work are available for download. Please help us promote the event by letting others know!
December 2 Meeting Poster in Hi Quality Mode (1.70 MB)