In the last few years “Green Taxes” have been an important part of the Chancellor’s annual budget speech. Environmental factors are increasingly used to justify amendments to Government tax policy.
But are there significant tax advantages to be gained?
Sharon Bedford, tax partner at James Cowper LLP will attempt to answer this question by examining recent Green Tax initiatives.
Are you
· A Company carrying out R&D into new clean technologies – How do you make the most of government incentives?
· An Investor wanting to fund emerging technologies – What tax breaks are available?
· A business implementing a green procurement policy – Can you be environmentally friendly and save tax?
As part of a joint initiative with Science Oxford and the Clean and Green Festival, we are delivering a seminar which will answer all of the questions above on Tuesday 20 April and we feel it may be relevant to you and your company, the seminar will be held at:
Science Oxford
1-5 London Place
Directions to the venue can be found here. Please note that parking is not available at the venue, the nearest car parks are St.Clements car park near Angel and Greyhound or the car park behind Tesco Metro off of the Cowley Road.
Our seminar will begin at 7.45am with breakfast and refreshments and finish at 9.15am.
If you would like to attend please contact us by email at jmcglynn [at] jamescowper.co.uk with the subject “Green Tax Break Seminar – April 2010” or telephone Jerry McGlynn on 01865 200500.
Another event which is taking place as part of the Clean and Green festival is the ‘great green challenge’ hosted by ourselves and Blake Lapthorn. For more information on the festival please visit http://www.scienceoxford.com/auxiliary/science-oxford-clean-green-festival.