Dear Oxfordshire Branch Member,
Chair’s report and programme for 2011-2012
I hope that you enjoyed last year’s programme. As you can see from the topics mentioned on the right, we covered a wide range of interests and have seen increased numbers attending meetings. Reports of many past meetings are on our website.
A copy of our full programme for the coming year is enclosed. This year we will again only physically mail those members for whom we do not have an e-mail address. We have worked hard to make this programme both relevant and interesting and there should be something here for everyone. The latest programme details are always on our website and in our monthly e-mail newsletters, so please keep an eye on these – details do sometimes change.
The more substantial refreshments now available before our meetings seem to have been well received, so we are intending to continue to provide them! However, the BCS and the Branch are under increasing financial pressure, so we have to keep costs down in other ways.
I would like to thank my fellow Committee members for their support and hard work over the past year. Our next AGM is on 13 October 2010 and I am very pleased that most of our Committee members would like to stand again. I am also delighted that a couple of new faces have also expressed an interest in joining the Committee. Apart from organising the Branch programme, the Committee is a vital link between the BCS and its membership.
We would like to see more people at our meetings and would encourage you to promote our events to your friends and colleagues, whether or not they are BCS members. We are also looking at other ways to promote the Branch including the use of social media, so please join us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
We usually finish our Oxford meetings with a trip to the Lamb & Flag in St Giles. Please do join us to continue discussions and let us know how we can improve the programme and services to branch members. If you don’t meet up with us at the pub, please use the contact form at to give us feedback.
We look forward to seeing you at some of our meetings.

Tim Lambertstock
Chair, BCS Oxfordshire Branch