Cranfield University invites you to the MSc Forensic Computing open day on the 29th June.
The MSc is solely focused on Forensic Computing enabling a student to take 11 modules: 8 Forensic Computing specific modules and 3 Forensic Science modules. The full time MSc is delivered alongside our short course and part time programs enabling you to study alongside practitioners. Finally this MSc is taught on a Defence Academy site meaning you will have the unique opportunity to study on a military site alongside a wide range of other forensic science courses.
Please note this event is actually at the Shrivenham campus (based at the Defence Academy which is a military site) and that pre-registration is essential otherwise you won’t get past the guards!!
Registration link: http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/about/events/listings/events-2015/forensic-computing-open-day-2015.html