Author Archive: BCS Oxfordshire
[Event Summary] Transparency Through Raw Material Traceability
[Event Summary] A Curator’s Guided Tour of the Museum of the History of Science
Dr Elizabeth Bruton gave us a brilliant guided tour, she made the exhibits come alive for us, drawing on her deep curator’s knowledge of the objects and a fund of anecdotes to make the personalities behind the exhibits truly human for us. The Marconi story is a fascinating one in itself and we were taken… Read more »
Annual Student Prizes 2015
BCS Oxfordshire Branch supports annual student prizes to the three Oxfordshire universities of Brookes, Cranfield and Oxford universities. Our Branch is pleased to announce the winners for 2015. The Awards are as follows: The best final Year Project in a computing subject (£75 each and a certificate) Oliver Parker, Oxford Brookes University, Course Title: BSc Computer… Read more »
[Event Summary] Pervasive Computing
Chris Yapp is a freelance Consultant specialising in innovation and future thinking. He presented a very interesting talk on Pervasive Computing, which sparked significant discussion, which unfortunately had to be curtailed when we had to vacate the lecture hall. Chris presented the two paradoxes at the heart of the Internet of Things: it is here… Read more »