SECURITY and INNOVATION – an oxymoron?

Neil Passingham, Technical Solution Director (Innovation & Cloud Security), Hewlett-Packard Are these two terms contradictory or is there room for innovation in a security-sensitive environment? In a world of major step-changes in technology, criminal activity, capability, motivation etc, should security practices change? Is there a resistance to change inherent within security management circles? Are we… Read more »

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Oxfordshire Branch of the BCS to be held on Thursday, 11 October at 7.30pm at the Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG  AGENDA Welcome & Introductions Apologies for Absence Minutes of previous AGM on 13 October 2011 (attached) Matters arising from the minutes Chair’s Report… Read more »

Lean Startup: Why It Rocks Far More Than Agile Development

Joshua Kerievsky Founder and CEO,Industrial Logic Thursday 20th September 2012 – 7:30pm Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG   Lean Startup is a disciplined, scientific and capital efficient method for discovering and building products and services that people love. Pioneered by entrepreneur and engineer, Eric Ries, the Lean Startup method will thoroughly… Read more »

Knowledge Management to recession-proof your ICT

Dr Alison Corfield Thursday 11th October 2012 – 7:30pm Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG Abstract: Knowledge management is the fad that won’t go away.  Many CEO’s are still not sure what it is and how it can work for them but they want to get the benefits from KM.  You have… Read more »

Oxford Brookes Student Prizes 2012

From left to right: Mr Frampton, Peter Marshall, Undergraduate Programme Lead for the under-graduate programmes of the Department of Computing and Communication Technologies, Paul Oliver, Sheila Lloyd Lyons, Ian Peter Frampton, Nigel Crook, Head of Department, Department of Computing and Communication Technologies, and Mrs Frampton. Each year the British Computer Society recognises the efforts of… Read more »