Sense: a new way to learn programming

Mike Richards, Open University Thursday 14th June 2012 – 7:30pm Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG   This future was conceived by Mark Weiser, chief scientist at Xerox PARC – where the PC was invented. In 1991, writing in Scientific American, he described a future where computers and data had merged seamlessly… Read more »

[Event Summary] Timing is Everything

  17 May 2012 – Prof. Joel Ouaknine, University of Oxford Professor Ouaknine gave an extremely enjoyable talk on Automated Verification, and the theoretical underpinning of the subject. Although a highly technical area, the presentation covered a potentially difficult subject in a way which was accessible to non-specialists, and was appreciated by the large audience.… Read more »

Timing is everything

Professor Joël Ouaknine, University of Oxford Abstract: Our society is becoming increasingly reliant on computer systems; think of mobile phones, SatNav, the Internet, and so on. A modern car typically harbours tens to hundreds of microprocessors, themselves running several tens of million lines of code, controlling such critical components as fuel injection, airbags, and anti-lock… Read more »

Visit to Museum of Computing

Venue: Swindon SN1 1QN The Museum of Computing is devoted to the history of computing and digital development. It was the first physical museum of its kind in the UK dedicated to the history of computing. Please join us for a visit to the Museum of Computing, at Swindon, on 26 April 2012. Here you… Read more »