Category: Events
Past events at BCS Oxfordshire. For a list of coming events visit our Programme page.
[Event Summary] Is Information Loss Good or Bad?
[Event Summary] Using Artificial Intelligence to Combat Illegal Fishing and Modern-Day Slavery
Festival of AI
The AI and Data Analysis Network at Oxford Brookes will be running a ‘Festival of AI’ from 20-24 February 2023. Events will mostly happen either online or at our Headington campus. The aim of the Festival of AI is to showcase new developments in AI, machine learning and robotics and to support a debate on… Read more »
Statistics versus Machine Learning for prediction – a debate
In this session, we bring together two world leading experts in clinical prediction modelling, Profs David Clifton and Richard Stevens, to debate the following motion: “This house believes the advent of Machine Learning approaches for clinical prediction make traditional statistical methods obsolete” Speakers: Professor David Clifton – Professor of Clinical Machine Learning, Dept Engineering Science,… Read more »