Date(s) - 11 Oct 2023
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Rewley House
Tom Kirkham, Innovation Lead Future Network Technologies, Innovate UK
There is a strong possibility that you are reading this information on a mobile device or via a wireless mobile internet connection. In the last year the volume of mobile data consumed in the UK has increased by 22% and shows little sign of slowing. With the development of 5G greater capacity and speed is available on mobile networks, in areas of good coverage this has led to some consumers choosing mobile wireless internet rather than fixed broadband for use in the home.
This increased use is not limited to personal consumption of data. Industrial use of 5G is shaping innovation in manufacturing environments to ports as 5G in health care is used to deliver new care services for patients. These new use cases enabled by reliable mobile wireless internet are expanding through integration of other innovation from technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Faster connectivity and greater capacity are key features of future networks enabled by innovation on network infrastructure.
For innovators these new use cases and convergence of technologies present new business opportunities. Something the UK Government have recognised, offering funding for innovation on previous programmes such as 5G testbeds and trials and calls associated with the UK Telecoms Diversification Strategy. This talk will describe in more details the opportunities presented by changes in network architecture and the development of new use cases for innovators along with current and future funding opportunities.
About Tom Kirkham
Tom has worked with both the research community and innovative businesses in the distributed computing domain for almost 20 years.
His research background has focused on the connectivity of devices to enable new business models in domains such as manufacturing and location-based services.
Recently he has worked with business and research partners to develop solutions converging:
- artificial intelligence
- internet of things
- fifth generation (5G)
- innovative platforms such as provided by distributed ledgers.
From localised peer-to-peer energy trading to real time quality analysis in meat processing facilities. Tom has an interest in how 5G as enabling technology can drive forward future digital services to empower business and workers in order to reshape the UK economy.
Hybrid Meeting
This event will be held both “in person” and “via Zoom”.
“In Person” Logistics
The “in person” meeting will be held at our new meeting place: Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA. The meeting will commence at 7:30pm, and an assortment of light refreshments will be available beforehand. Please register for the event as usual using the Eventbrite link on the website or via MeetUp, where you will be able to indicate whether you are attending via Zoom or in person.
BCS is following government guidelines and we would ask attendees to continue to also follow these guidelines. Please go to https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ for more information, advice, and instructions.
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