Washing Away Cave Paintings – A technical evolution

Ian Hughes, Managing Director of Feeding Edge Ltd Epredator / Metaverse Evangelist / Consultant Futurologist / Technology Developer / TV Presenter / Speaker / Blogger Thursday 13 October 2011 – 7:30pm Venue: Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG   Ian will talk about the impact of social media, gaming and virtual worlds… Read more »

[Event Summary] Extreme Parallel Computing – The Man, Machine and the Maths behind it

Dr James Anderson’s talk on Extreme Parallel Computing – The Man, Machine and the Maths behind it was well attended with many new faces. James explained the problems for computing resulting from the exceptions that occur in conventional mathematics, such as the inability to divide by zero, and put forward the alternative approach of transreal… Read more »

The Dependability of Complex Socio-Technical Infrastructure

Monday 6th June 2011, at 5pm Oxford e-Research Centre Access Grid Room Prof. Ross Anderson Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, would like to invite the BCS Oxfordshire members to a forthcoming event at Oxford University that we thought they would find interesting. Prof Ross Anderson from Cambridge University, one of the world’s leading computer… Read more »

IT training and professional development–A Debate

Thursday, 19 May 2011 – IT training and professional development @ 7 for 7.30pm Venue: Oxford e-Research Centre, 6 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG In these financially constrained times, the pressure to reduce the spend on IT training has never been greater but the skills required by professionals in the IT industry continue to develop.… Read more »