[Event Summary] Visit to European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

The visit to ECMWF was scheduled to start with a short introduction about ECMWF, the Computer infrastructure used at ECMWF and a guided tour to the computer hall where all the supercomputers used by ECMWF reside. Manfred Kloeppel started by introducing ECMWF as an independent intergovernmental organisation currently consisting of 37 Member and Co-Operating states.… Read more »

[Event Summary] Knowledge Management to recession-proof your ICT

Alison set the scene by promising us stories to illustrate the points she wanted to make that: data, information and personal knowledge form the main areas of an organisation’s Knowledge Management content. She discussed the costs to the organisation of information not being readily available (the story of “the lost document”), of duplication between departments… Read more »

Oxford Brookes Student Prizes 2012

From left to right: Mr Frampton, Peter Marshall, Undergraduate Programme Lead for the under-graduate programmes of the Department of Computing and Communication Technologies, Paul Oliver, Sheila Lloyd Lyons, Ian Peter Frampton, Nigel Crook, Head of Department, Department of Computing and Communication Technologies, and Mrs Frampton. Each year the British Computer Society recognises the efforts of… Read more »