4ICT – Growing up in Oxfordshire

Science Oxford Networks Meeting Wed 25 November, 6.00pm for 6.30pm – 8.30pm Science Oxford Live, St Clements, Oxford £20 +VAT (£10 +VAT for Science Oxford Networks Friends) *Free to students* ARE YOU LOOKING TO GROW YOUR ICT BUSINESS? HOW DO YOU EXPAND FROM A SMALL BUSINESS WITH 8 STAFF TO ONE WITH MORE THAN 30?… Read more »

Oxford Geek Night 14

7:30pm, 23 September 2009 Upstairs at the Jericho Tavern Oxford Geek Nights offer a chance for web developers and designers in the local area to get together, share their skills and talk about new ideas, techniques and technologies. Each OGN consists of two keynote talks of 15 minutes each. There are also frenetic bursts of… Read more »

Conference: Security: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

On November 7th 2009, the ACCU will be holding a one day conference at Bletchley Park, home of the legendary World War II ‘Enigma’ code breakers, and the site at which the world’s first digital computer went operational. Confirmed speakers (alphabetical order) include: Speaker: Tony Sale Hon FBCS After careers in electronics and computing Tony… Read more »

Project Management Localgovcamp Event in Cheltenham

John Hyde, a fellow BCS member and project manager at Cheltenham Borough Council, is running a project management localgovcamp event in Cheltenham at the George hotel (http://www.stayatthegeorge.co.uk/) on Saturday 26th September. It runs from 10am to 5pm with lunch and free wifi access provided. It’s an informal gathering of people interested in improving the way… Read more »