• Digital Wildfires: (How) can we limit the spread of harmful content on social media?

    Digital Wildfires: (How) can we limit the spread of harmful content on social media?

    Professor Marina Jirotka and Dr Helena Webb In 2013 the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a report that described social...

  • Programming by Imitation and AGM

    Programming by Imitation and AGM

    Dr Edmund Furse, Managing Director, Imitation Ltd Allowing novices to control their computer has been a long standing goal of...

  • What's happening to Payments?

    What's happening to Payments?

    Tim Lambertstock The way we pay for things is changing. The use of Contactless now exceeds cash, cheques are now...

  • Science Tour of Oxford

    Science Tour of Oxford

    ONLY 5 PLACES LEFT This event is almost fully booked and we are down to our last 5 places. The...

  • Cybersecurity: What keeps me up at night!

    Cybersecurity: What keeps me up at night!

    Dr Jason R. C. Nurse Research Fellow Department of Computer Science & Wolfson College, University of Oxford Our world is...

  • DNA sequencing on a laptop

    DNA sequencing on a laptop

    Dr Tim Massingham, Oxford Nanopore Technologies The MinION is a pocket-sized device capable of sequencing the entire human genome by...

  • Non-functional requirements

    Non-functional requirements

    John Estdale, IT Architecture Specialists ISO/IEC 250xx is the set of international standards for Systems and software product Quality Requirements...

  • Research Using Digital Collections at the Bodleian Libraries

    Research Using Digital Collections at the Bodleian Libraries

    Pip Willcox, Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship at The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford Increasingly libraries' special collections...

  • Real world analytics and the future of data science

    Real world analytics and the future of data science

    Dr David Hughes, Tessella In almost every corner of our lives, data science is bringing benefits by solving challenging problems....

  • Science Oxford Christmas Event

    Science Oxford Christmas Event

    This event is almost fully booked but a limited number of tickets are still available. Book now to avoid disappointment....

  • Quantum Computers and their potential to revolutionise our lives (and AGM)

    Quantum Computers and their potential to revolutionise our lives (and AGM)

    Dr Seb Weidt University of Sussex Computers have transformed the way we live however there are a vast amount of...

  • Computing that serves Society

    Computing that serves Society

    David Evans, Director of Policy & Community at BCS David Evans will discuss the thinking and the challenges behind BCS’s...

  • BrexIT: How to do IT

    BrexIT: How to do IT

    As you will all be aware, Brexit is starting to get real. We all need to consider not only its general impact, but its specific impact on us and our companies. As IT professionals we are in a good position to assist strategic thinking within our companies. Therefore, join our speaker Dalim Basu for a dynamic and interactive discussion about Brexit to uncover the issues and challenges we could be facing.

  • BCS Oxfordshire Christmas Lecture

    Professor Heinz Wolff is perhaps best known to the general public for his appearances in television series such as Young...

  • Web 2 Woe: Cybercrime on Social Networks

    This month’s talk is by one of the IT industry’s celebrities Graham Cluley Senior security and malware consultant from Sophos....

  • Search and Social Media for Business

    The BCS Oxfordshire 2010/11 meeting calendar kicks off with a very timely and educational presentation on how social medial is...

  • Sciences in Oxford’s History – An Afternoon Guided Walking Tour

    Walking Tour A fascinating tour to hear of the transformation of the study of sciences at Oxford. By the 14th...

  • Visit to CCFE and JET

    JET – The world’s largest nuclear fusion research facility. Guided tour of JET organised by the CCFE Public Relations Team...

  • An introduction to Geospatial systems

    Paul Stanton, Associate Director at Jacobs Consultancy Paul will explain geospatial systems, their key defining features and how they can...

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